PPC versus CPA: Pick one who’s the Best

Posted by Arbitrage Conspiracy Unleashed | Labels: , , , | Posted On Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 7:04 AM

Full-blooded internet marketers will testify that once in their campaigns, they experience managing PPC campaigns either for their clients or for themselves. For starters like you, PPC or Pay Per Click campaigns is another type of marketing program wherein a webmaster or an advertiser can list a series of possible search phrases and determine your bid price for each phrase as a campaign to compete with other websites. Big search engine companies such as Google, Yahoo and MSN offer advertising spaces for advertisers. It depends on which market they want to target and these search engines offers different rates for different keywords and niches.

In PPC marketing, advertisers are paid when a user performs a search and they will click on their paid listing. For a PPC ad to be returned, user must type a certain keyword to target a specific product or service then click on a link that contains a listing that is relevant to the search term. As advertisers pays every ad clicks, the dirty work doesn’t stops there as they also have to measure the sales and calculate the ROI or return of investment to make sure that your campaign is a success or at least earning at profitable levels.

As compared to CPA, advertisers will pay if a visitor is converted to an actual customer. A qualifying action is required to make more earnings for the advertisers. Aside from that, there is a fixed cost per conversion unlike in PPC there is variety among the costs per campaign. When it comes to revenues, it depends on the advertisers what strategies they need to do in order to make their marketing works. When it comes to advertiser-partner interaction, CPA is advertiser-focused while PPC is more of a partner focused. They can combine these two but compared to Affiliate Marketing and CPA combination, PPC-CPA model combination is much more complicated and hard to implement.


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